
Hospital & Homebound Instruction

The Barrow County School System offers, at no charge to the parents, academic instruction to eligible students who are confined at home or in a healthcare facility for periods of time that would prevent normal school attendance. To be eligible for this service, the following criteria must be met:

Homebound Form

English | Spanish

  1. The student is enrolled in a public school prior to the referral for HHB services.
  2. The student must be anticipated to be absent from school for a minimum of 10 consecutive school days per year (5 days for high school students on a block schedule) or the student has a chronic health condition causing him or her to be absent for intermittent periods of time anticipated at a minimum of ten school days per year (5 days for high school students on a block schedule). Students with chronic health conditions requiring intermittent HHB services must be anticipated to be absent for at least 3 consecutive days for each occurrence before he or she will be served in the HHB program.
  3. The student’s parent must agree to abide by HHB rules and sign a release for medical information relating to the reason for the request for HHB services.
  4. The student is under the care of a licensed physician or licensed psychiatrist who is currently treating the student for the necessitating medical condition and who is willing to sign a referral form with the following information:
  • That the student’s medical condition is expected to interfere with regular school attendance as described in item 2 above; and
  • That the student is able to participate in and benefit from HHB instruction; and
  • That the student can receive instruction without endangering the health and safety of the instructor or other students with whom the instructor may come in contact; and
  • That describes the disabling condition or diagnosis with any medical implications for instructional services.

Hospital/Homebound (HHB) services are provided to students according to the provisions of Georgia Department of Education Rule 160-4-2-.31. Normally, HHB academic instruction is provided twice per week for approximately 1 ½ hours per visit. A parent, guardian, or an adult parent designee shall be present at all times when the HHB instructor is in the home.The Hospital/Homebound student is responsible for completing school assignments in a timely manner as deemed appropriate for his/her condition.

*Services cannot begin until all required paperwork is submitted and approved by the HHB director.

Contact Us

The Hospital/Homebound instructor may be reached at the Professional Development Center at 179 W. Athens Street, Winder, GA, 30680. Phone 770-867-4527, extension 126.

Photo of Dr. Christina Lowe

Dr. Christina Lowe

Director of Student Services

Dr. Christina Lowe joined the central office staff in Barrow County in 2019 after a dec...

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