
Photo of Susan McGlohan

Susan McGlohan

Third Grade Teacher

Susan McGlohon joins Austin Road Elementary as a Third Grade teacher.

"I love guiding my third graders to success, I love the interaction and personal connections I have formed with my students, I love the fact that every day is different and full of promise. Being a teacher is an amazing career and adventure!"

"I have two sons and two beautiful daughters-in-law. My grandchildren are Ella Rose who is turning 13 this summer and Sophia Annabelle who is turning 4 this summer.

Interests: "I'm a scuba diver! I was certified last year and enjoy exploring the ocean. I'm avid supporter of the Georgia aquarium to support the research they conduct to restore the coral reefs. I also enjoy flower gardening, hiking, and cycling. One of my greatest feats was to ride in the Savannah Century Ride. I only made it 50 miles, but what an experience! "

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