

Need to update your contact information?

If you need to update your phone number or email address, or have a change to make with who can pick up your child from school or get information, please follow the steps below.

  1. Complete the Change of Information Form (PDF) | Cambio a la Información del Estudiante (PDF).
  2. Get a copy of a photo ID and proof of residence (examples) of the guardian who registered the student.
  3. Email the completed form, copy of photo ID, and proof of residence to


need to update your address?

For students currently enrolled in BCSS who’ve moved within the county and just need to update their address, or if the address change involves a transfer to another Barrow county school, please complete the forms linked below and follow the steps to upload current proof of residency and photo ID. Please check our list of acceptable proof (Prueba de Domicilio) to avoid a delay in updating your information.

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