
Teachers of the Year

Congratulations to our exceptional Barrow County School System teachers selected as Teachers of the Year! Their peers voted and then a committee made up of the School Governance Team and the school's current Teacher of the Year contribute to making the selections.

2024-25 district Teacher of the year

Congratulations to Brooke Bradberry from Russell Middle School -
the 2024-25 District Teacher of the Year!

2024-25 School & District-Level Winners:

Michele Gerely - Apalachee High School 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Michele Gerely
Apalachee High

Jennifer Stockwell - AIM 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Jennifer Stockwell
Arts & Innovation Magnet

Callie McNeal - AES 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Callie McNeal
Auburn Elementary

Toni Neff - ARES 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Toni Neff
Austin Road Elementary

Kendall Argo - BASA 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Kendall Argo
Barrow Arts & Sciences Academy

Marcy Martin - BCMS 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Marcy Martin
Bear Creek Middle

Katie Ducato - BES 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Katie Ducato
Bethlehem Elementary

 Carrie Tilson - BRES 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Carrie Tilson
Bramlett Elementary & District Finalist

Laura Hayley - CLES 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Laura Hayley
County Line Elementary

Jennifer Beaty - HMMS 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Jennifer Beaty
Haymon-Morris Middle

Kelly Mehrhof - HES 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Kelly Mehrhof
Holsenbeck Elementary

Dr. Amanda Latimer - Horizon Program 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Dr. Amanda Latimer
Horizon Program

Ansley Barrera - Kennedy Elementary 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Ansley Barrera
Kennedy Elementary

Brooke Bradberry - Russell Middle 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Brooke Bradberry
Russell Middle & District Finalist & WINNER!

Amy Wilson - Sims 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Amy Wilson
Sims Academy & District Finalist

Sandra Cash - SES 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Sandra Cash
Statham Elementary & District Finalist

Rachel Muldrow - WMS 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Rachel Muldrow
Westside Middle

Leigh Davis - WES 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Leigh Davis
Winder Elementary

Melissa Ethridge - WBHS 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Melissa Ethridge
Winder-Barrow High

Dr. Nicole Mays - YES 24-25 Teacher of the Year

Dr. Nicole Mays
Yargo Elementary

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