Teachers of the Year
Congratulations to our exceptional Barrow County School System teachers selected as Teachers of the Year! Their peers voted and then a committee made up of the School Governance Team and the school's current Teacher of the Year contribute to making the selections.
2024-25 district Teacher of the year
Congratulations to Brooke Bradberry from Russell Middle School -
the 2024-25 District Teacher of the Year!
2024-25 School & District-Level Winners:
Michele Gerely
Apalachee High
Jennifer Stockwell
Arts & Innovation Magnet
Callie McNeal
Auburn Elementary
Toni Neff
Austin Road Elementary
Kendall Argo
Barrow Arts & Sciences Academy
Marcy Martin
Bear Creek Middle
Katie Ducato
Bethlehem Elementary
Carrie Tilson
Bramlett Elementary & District Finalist
Laura Hayley
County Line Elementary
Jennifer Beaty
Haymon-Morris Middle
Kelly Mehrhof
Holsenbeck Elementary
Dr. Amanda Latimer
Horizon Program
Ansley Barrera
Kennedy Elementary
Brooke Bradberry
Russell Middle & District Finalist & WINNER!
Amy Wilson
Sims Academy & District Finalist
Sandra Cash
Statham Elementary & District Finalist
Rachel Muldrow
Westside Middle
Leigh Davis
Winder Elementary
Melissa Ethridge
Winder-Barrow High
Dr. Nicole Mays
Yargo Elementary
2023-24 School-Level Winners:
Jennifer Carter
Apalachee High
Samantha Stroup
Arts & Innovation Magnet
Markita Sims
Auburn Elementary
Shelley Warrington
Austin Road Elementary
Dylan Clark
Barrow Arts & Sciences Academy
Amber Mann
Bear Creek Middle
Lisa Reed
Bethlehem Elementary
Haleigh McCain
Bramlett Elementary
Ashli Borchelt
County Line Elementary
Anna McBroom
Haymon-Morris Middle
Makenzy Holdren
Holsenbeck Elementary
Robb Daggett
Horizon Program
Angela Graham
Kennedy Elementary
Emily Watson
Russell Middle
Anabel Snyder
Sims Academy
Ian Canalis
Statham Elementary
Jenna Riddle
Westside Middle
Christine Whiddon
Winder Elementary
Sarah Glass
Winder-Barrow High
Kelly Cravey
Yargo Elementary
2023-2024 - Angela Graham
2022-2023 - Dion Muldrow
2021-2022 - Logan Morris
2020-2021 - David Kendrick
2019-2020 - David Kendrick
2018-2019 - Kimberly Garren
2017-2018 - Hannah Croy
2016-2017 - Tiara Mensinger
2015-2016 - A. J. Jackson
2014-2015 - Colene Cannerella
2013-2014 - Kim Davis
2012-2013 - Brandon Mitchell
2011-2012 - Meggan McNally
2010-2011 - C. J. Wilder
2009-2010 - Lori Bone
2008-2009 - Christopher Whitworth
2007-2008 - Amy Dew
2006-2007 - Ginger Crosswhite
2005-2006 - Barbara Greyson
2004-2005 - Ashley Burke
2003-2004 - Dione Massey
2002-2003 - Martha Jo Johnson
2001-2002 - Jerry Pharr
2000-2001 - Debra Darling
1999-2000 - Claire Smith
1998-1999 - April Howard
1997-1998 - Cindy Hutchins
1996-1997 - Kay Hollifield
1995-1996 - Belinda Cartmell
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