
AHS Marching Cats are Going to London in 2026!

London New Year's Day Parade 2026

Every year, crowds gather on the streets of the West End of London to celebrate the New Year. The 2026 parade will look a bit more BOLD with the Apalachee High School Marching Cats performing!

On Monday, March 4, 2024, the founder of one of the most globally prestigious parades, Bob Bone, and Duncan Sandys, the past Lord Mayor of Westminster (and the great grandson of Sir Winston Churchill), traveled to Winder, Georgia to formally invite the band to perform at the parade.

"What we do every year is poll our audience from the street. We take audience research to find out what they like in the parade. What they like best of all - and every single year the same answer comes back - they like the high school and college marching bands that we bring from the United States," said Bone.

Mr. Dion Muldrow, AHS Band Director, was presented with a framed invitation to the parade. The stadium full of band students cheered and shouted "yes" to the opportunity of a lifetime. During their trip, the students will also engage in an educational experiences where they tour museums, historic sites, and places of architectural and artistic interest.

The 2026 Parade will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary and it will be one of the biggest and best events. It will be screened live across the world - including the USA on the PBS Network.

The band will be raising funds to cover the costs of the trip. Be on the lookout for ways you can support them.


Watch the Ceremony!

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