American Sign language teacher
This position:
- Teaches subject area or grade level according to curriculum guidelines specified by school, district, state, and federal authorities. Further develops and refines a high-level and challenging curriculum in each subject area.
- Implements curriculum and instruction in a manner consistent with the school’s and district’s missions including understanding, modeling, and fostering independent thinking skills, creative problem solving and abstract reasoning.
- Engages in continuous intellectual and professional development to expand and enhance professional skills. Keeps abreast of current developments in other relevant educational and legal topics to enable efficient, effective and lawful conduct of duties and responsibilities
An ideal candidate would have:
- Certified in American Sign Language by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission
- Meet the definition of a "highly qualified" teacher or other credential as authorized by the employer.
Look for Job ID #13607 American Sign Language Teacher
in our job portal.
See the official job description here.
The salary range is dependent upon experience. Barrow County School System offers an impressive benefits package, including the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) which provides pension benefits upon retirement. As a 190-day calendar employee, you will share many of the school breaks. See our staff calendars.
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