graduation specialist
An ideal candidate would have:
- Educator certification through the Georgia Professional Standards Commission with at least three years of experience working with students at any level.
- Knowledge of appropriate strategies for reducing behaviors that put students at risk of not graduating from high school.
- Ability to work well with students, parents, staff, and the community.
Job Duties and Responsibilities:
- Identify at-risk students
- Develop school-wide support and interventions
- Generate school support and develop graduation teams
- Provide direct service and case management
- Develop transition programs and vertical teams with elementary and high schools
Look for Job ID #13643 Graduation Specialist
in our job portal.
See the official job description here
The salary range is dependent upon experience. Barrow County School System offers an impressive benefits package, including the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) which provides pension benefits upon retirement. As a 190-day calendar employee, you will share many of the school breaks. See our staff calendars.
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