CTAE Career Planning Guide
Beginning in elementary school and continuing through high school, students are exposed to a variety of career development activities to lead them towards making potential career decisions. While it is not expected that students know exactly what they want to be when entering high school, it is the hope that students have begun making some decisions that are guiding their education. The career development activities that students have been exposed to should serve as a good starting point when students begin to pick a pathway.
While it is required that students complete one pathway to graduate, most students will have the opportunity to complete two or possibly three pathways before graduation, providing multiple opportunities for students to explore their interests.
Pathways are offered at multiple locations and students should pay attention to the location of each course when choosing classes.

As part of the Barrow County School System graduation requirements, students are required to choose a pathway to complete while in high school. Pathways consist of three courses in a related area that are taken sequentially. Students choose from the following areas:
- Career, Technical, & Agricultural Education
- World Languages
- Fine Arts
Career-focused planning will lead you to selecting a Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) pathway. CTAE provides academic skills and real-world experiences necessary to build fulfilling careers. In CTAE programs and courses, students are prepared for post-secondary education and for the workplace. Career, Technical and Agricultural Education is a vital component of the total education of an individual and is available to every high school student in the Barrow County School System.
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