
Student Behavior Expectations

Student smiling while working

The Barrow County School System Code of Conduct establishes expectations to help ensure a safe and positive learning environment.

We expect students to solve problems civilly and respectfully, without resorting to name-calling, threats, bullying, or physical violence. Negative behavior hinders our ability to prepare students for the future in a safe and positive learning environment. The mission of the Barrow County School System is "Ensuring an exceptional education that leads each student to become a high-achieving and responsible citizen." The number one priority of the Barrow County School System is to provide a safe and orderly environment that is necessary for teaching and learning.

We do not want our students removed from our school's learning environments. Actions taken by individuals that impede the learning rights of others must be dealt with swiftly and decisively. This will be the norm in our schools, and we will proactively and vigorously work to ensure the consistency of this goal. Our school-level administrators are supportive and will increase their efforts to ensure appropriate steps are taken.

Please review the following links that highlight unacceptable behaviors and their consequences:

Please note that special education students will receive their required Individualized Education Plan due process rights for any potential incident covered in this letter. All students being remanded to the Alternative Education Program will have an opportunity for due process through an independent hearing should their parents choose to exercise it.

Thank you to the students, parents, guardians, and staff who work together each day to make our schools positive learning environments where truly BOLD things happen!


School Buses

When poor behavior choices are made on our school buses, they endanger the lives of our drivers, students, and the occupants of other vehicles on our roads. Therefore, the consequences are more severe.

Physical Violence
Physical violence (ex. fighting or battery) will not be tolerated in the Barrow County School System.

Fighting or violent acts on a Barrow County school bus will result in the following:

  • High School and middle school students will be suspended. They will have the option to attend the Alternative Education Program for at least a semester (20 weeks) and will potentially lose bus privileges for up to a calendar year. Appropriate legal charges may be filed. A second physical violence incident will result in a calendar year's suspension with the option to attend the Alternative Education Program or expulsion from the school system, potential loss of bus privileges for the rest of the student's time at BCSS, as well as potential additional legal charges.
  • Elementary school students will be suspended from the bus potentially up to six (6) weeks. A second physical violence incident will potentially result in the loss of bus privileges for a calendar year. Appropriate legal charges may be filed.

Other disruptions
All grade levels: Disruptive incidents will result in one (1) warning or two (2) days off the bus, depending on the severity of the incident. Any subsequent disruptions will result in bus suspension for at least six (6) weeks.

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Bullying involving BCSS Students, regardless of location

Families must realize the differences between unkind actions and bullying. Not every incident of unkind or mean-spirited action rises to the level of bullying.

In the Barrow County School System, our working definition of bullying is:

  1. Any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury on another person, when accompanied by an ability to do so;
  2. Any intentional display of force such as would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm; or
  3. Any intentional written, verbal, or physical act which a reasonable person would perceive as being intended to threaten, harass, or intimidate, that:
    a) Causes another person substantial physical harm within the meaning of Code Section 16-5- 23.1 or visible bodily harm as such term is defined in Code Section 16-5-23.1;
    b) Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student's education;
    c) Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or
    d) Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.

In Georgia, the actions involved must also result in one of the four impacts specified above (a-d) to meet our state's definition of bullying. We do not condone or accept bullying behaviors, and it is vitally important we correctly identify them.

At its essence, bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated or has the potential to be repeated over time. (Resource)

Any administratively confirmed case of bullying, based on the information presented above and which includes the requisite impact (a-d), will result in the following:

  • High school and middle school students will be suspended. They will have the option to attend the Alternative Education Program for at least a semester (20 weeks). A second incident will result in a year's suspension with the option to attend the Alternative Education Program.
  • Elementary school students will be suspended for a minimum of 3 days for the first offense. A second incident will result in additional days of suspension. 

The above consequences are in addition to any bullying prevention measures already in place at the student's school.

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On School Campuses/Property and at all School-Related Events, regardless of location

Physical Violence
Physical violence (ex. fighting or battery) will not be tolerated in the Barrow County School System.

  • High school and middle school students committing a violent act on any school campus, school system property, or at a school-related event will be suspended. They will have the option to attend the Alternative Education Program for at least a semester (20 weeks), and appropriate legal charges may be filed. A second fighting incident will result in a calendar year's suspension with the option to attend the Alternative Education Program or expulsion from the school system, as well as potential additional legal charges.
  • Elementary students committing a violent act will be suspended for a minimum of 3 days for the first offense. A second offense will result in additional days of suspension.

Cell Phones and Smartwatches
No student has the unconditional right to bring a cell phone to school. When and if students are allowed to do so, it is at the discretion of their school administration. The third time a student is disciplined due to cell phone misuse of any kind, that student will not be allowed to have a "smart" cell phone (including smartwatches) at school for the remainder of the school year.

We recognize that many parents/guardians wish to have cell phone access to their children during or after school hours for safety reasons. If a student has lost cell phone privileges, a standard voice-only cellular phone (no internet, no camera, no texting, etc.) may be approved by the building administration on a case-by-case basis.

Invading another person's privacy by using a cell phone includes filming a student having a medical emergency, filming in a restroom, or using a cell phone in conjunction with any form of bullying or intimidation. Improper cell phone use will result in suspension. Students will have the option to attend the Alternative Education Program for at least a semester (20 weeks). They will also lose "smart" cell phone privileges (including smartwatches) at school for the rest of the student's time in the Barrow County School System. Appropriate legal charges may also be filed against students who post such videos to social media or otherwise distribute them.

Encouraging other students to engage in violent activity is never appropriate. Students may not use a cell phone to film a fight or students committing another act of violence. Distributing any such video will result in suspension with the option to attend the Alternative Education Program and the loss of "smart" cell phone privileges (including smartwatches) at school for the rest of the student's time in the Barrow County School System. Appropriate legal charges may also be filed against students who post such videos to social media or otherwise distribute them.

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For other discipline concerns and consequences, the Barrow County School System’s Code of Conduct can be accessed here: Student Code of Conduct and Handbook

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