Barrow County School System News
Today we want to express our gratitude and appreciation.
Today we opened our doors, arms, and hearts to our students as many returned to school for the first time since Wednesday. It was an emotional day on many levels, but I am proud to say that thanks to our exceptional teachers, principals, and staff, our students were able to enjoy learning together.
BCSS Family, Tomorrow, we will open our doors to our students as they return to most...
School will resume for all students, except those at Apalachee High School, on Tuesday, Sep. 10. We believe we need to be together as soon as possible to move forward and provide some sense of familiarity for our students.
Richard Aspinwall. Cristina Irimie. Mason Schermerhorn. Christian Angulo. The Barrow...
We have the very best teachers at Barrow County School System, and we're happy to r...
Russell Middle School Principal Meridith Wages-Peck shared about the positive school community thriving with their new House System.
Barrow County School System’s first BOLDer Together meeting on Aug. 30 offered fa...
Watch the latest Beyond the Bell episode for all things BCSS!
Before starting a teaching career at Apalachee High School (AHS), Amanda Pugh spent sev...
Sign up as a Parent Observer in our Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Here's how.
Thanks to the generosity of our community, 2,400 bookbags filled with school supplies were provided to our families before the start of the school year.
Click here to listen to the latest episode of Beyond the Bell!
Congratulations to our 2024 Tar Wars Poster Contest Winners!
Northeast Georgia Medical Center Barrow checked off all the items on the ‘wish li...
Congratulations to Laura Etheridge for being selected to serve on the 2024-25 Scho...
Advanced Placement (AP) exam results for the 2023-2024 school show about 10% more Barro...
Sims Academy CEO Dr. Jennifer Wood proudly shared the incredible experiences happening at Sims Academy of Innovation and Technology.
Details about our 1:1 device program for every student. Please be sure to sign the Technology Agreement.
The Here Comes the Bus free app will pinpoint when your child's bus will arrive!
Barrow County School System students showed strong progress in mastering academic profi...
Find all the information you need - from school supply lists to Open House times - to be ready for the first day of school!
Be ready for #backtoBOLD! Click for Open House information.
Know the resolution process steps to follow if you have a concern.
Listen to Beyond the Bell to learn more about the Barrow County School System.
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