
Teachers donating PPE to Local Healthcare Providers

3D Printed PPE Masks

As personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies are in demand, BCSS teachers are focused on helping our local healthcare providers and first responders any way they can.

OSMS-Barrow Project

The Open Source Medical Supply or OSMS-Barrow Project is a collaborative effort by a team of innovative Barrow County School System teachers and local makers to support our area’s first responders and healthcare providers during the COVID-19 medical crisis.

They are using non-traditional manufacturing procedures consisting of 3D Printing to produce reusable face masks and shields. This week, components for 150 reusable protective “Montana Mask” kits will be delivered to the Winder Police department. In addition, OSMS-Barrow is working on the production and donation of 3D printed face shields for the North Georgia Health System.

BCSS Teacher Donates 3D Printed PPE to Winder Police Department

The need for PPE continues to grow. Please consider making a contribution through the Barrow Community Foundation to support this initiative. They are in need of financial donations to offset the costs of the materials to produce these open source (free) medical supplies.




The healthcare science teachers at Winder-Barrow and Apalachee High School jumped at the chance to support our local first responders. Since students would not be returning to the building this year, they gathered consumable personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies from their classrooms, including masks and gowns. These were donated to the Emergency Management division of Barrow County Emergency Services to be equally divide this among all public safety agencies.

In addition, they provided masks and gloves to our School Food Nutrition workers as they prepare meals for our students each week.

Elisa Bradberry with donated PPE
Elisa Bradberry with donated PPE

Additional resources

From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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