
June 8 BCSS Athletic Conditioning Resumes following GHSA Guidance

Athletic Conditioning Update Barrow County School System

Starting on June 8th, Barrow County School System will allow student athletes to resume summer conditioning and training. Following guidance provided by the Georgia High School Association (GHSA), BCSS has developed a detailed Infectious Disease Prevention Plan that all coaches and students will be required to meet if they choose to participate in the voluntary summer conditioning.

Phase 1 Guidance and Procedures

Per GHSA recommendations and restrictions for returning to conditioning on June 8, 2020, BCSS has determined the following to be essential for the safety of all participants during this first phase of activity.

Prior to June 8th, every BCSS coach will receive educational training on safety and best practices regarding COVID-19. Each student will also receive educational training on safety and best practices regarding COVID-19. This training will review essential instruction about items such as screening procedures, physical distancing, facility disinfecting precautions and procedures, and hydration needs.

Once activities resume, coaches and students will receive daily COVID-19 symptom screening prior to participation. During conditioning, physical distancing will be maintained as small groups rotate through activities in different areas. No more than 20 individuals, including students and coaches, may be on the campus at any given time. Groups will be the same individuals for each conditioning session to limit the risk of exposure, and students cannot change groups for the duration of this guidance in phase one.

Frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned between uses. Conditioning will focus on individual strength and skill improvement. There will be no physical contact or competition between students. No balls or close contact will be permitted.

Coaches will provide access to sinks for frequent handwashing as well as alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Wipes will be used to frequently clean equipment, such as weights, between each use.

Students will be required to arrive in appropriate attire with a personal water bottle. No locker rooms or water fountains will be available for use. Specific restrooms will be designated for use and will be cleaned daily.

Barrow County School System is committed to the health and safety of its students and employees. The Infectious Disease Prevention Plan was carefully and thoughtfully developed with experts and key stakeholders in our school system and community to ensure the highest standards of safety and health.

Summer conditioning is optional for students to participate in. Coaches will be reaching out to their student athletes and families to share additional details in regards to phase one procedures. For any questions regarding student activities, please contact your child’s coach or email Dr. Al Darby, Chief Administrative Officer for Athletics and Student Activities.

Additional resources

From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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